16 Nisan 2020 Perşembe


1. An Akkadian term meaning frontier, or boundary, for a type of boundary stone used by the Kassites of Mesopotamia. It was a stone block or slab which served as a record of a grant of land made by the king to a favored person. The original kudurrus were kept in temples, while clay copies were given to the landowners. On the stone were engraved the clauses of the contract, the images or symbols of the gods under whose protection the gift was placed, and the curse on those who violated the rights conferred. The kudurrus are important not only for economic and religious reasons but also as almost the only works of art surviving from the period of Kassite rule in Babylonia, around the 16th to 12th centuries bc. The term also applies to the 3rd millennium cuneiform documents in southern Mesopotamia that record land transfers. 2. The word also means “son,” as in personal names such as Nabu-kudurri-usur (Nebuchadnezzar).

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